Andrea Ciavatta
Andrea Ciavatta was born in Rimini, Italy on the 1st of Dicember 1967 and became quite interested in film from an early age,
thanks to his mother, Carla while he also enjoyed a great passion for music, thanks to his father, Aldo.
By the time he was in elementary school he had already acquired a good knowledge of American black music or rhythm & blues as it is called from listening to the numerous vinyl records collected by Aldo, a former musician. And there were always black and white films from the 1930s to the 1950s on the family’s television due to Carla’s passion for them. The love for these two art forms would profoundly influence Andrea’s life. His mother, very present, motivated Andrea to practice numerous sports, and therefore sport would become another constant component in his life.
Encouraged by his parents, entrepreneurs in the fashion industry. He began traveling very early, to learn languages and experience realities different from the Italian one. His father, who had a thriving business in several countries around the world, used his help as a “pony express” when he was still a minor. Whenever Aldo’s collaborators had to meet with foreign licensees, Andrea was invariably involved in the process. Before reaching the age of majority, he had already visited the United States, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, Germany, Austria, France, England, Sweden, Spain, Greece, and Switzerland.
Andrea, though, did not excel in school due to a learning disability. This triggered a frustrating and painful dynamic that led him to a passionate search for a path to redemption. After completing language high school, he enrolled in political science with a sociological focus in Bologna, but midway through, he left the faculty to move to Antananarivo, Madagascar, where he obtained residency. In the African country, he worked as a laborer in a textile company: an intense experience that profoundly changed him. The contact with this new and dramatic reality allowed him to acquire new perspectives with which to observe the world. He even came close to death after contracting a severe form of malaria. He managed to recover, strengthened in body and spirit, allowing the African country to as the most significant of his entire life.
Once the Malagasy adventure was over, he spent several months in Mauritius where his father produced and manufactured clothing. Haved completed his journeys in the Indian Ocean, he returned to Italy for a short period. He decided to leave again for the United States where he stayed for a few years in Florida. In Miami, he would work as a consultant for the Ocean Drive Association to reorganize the enormous beaches of the coast, while also collaborating with some real estate agencies. After returning to Italy, he took on the complex renovation of a historic building dating back to 1540, a challenging experience due to the enormous technical difficulties, to which he dedicated himself with commitment for the next four years. The property will become his family’s permanent residence. Thanks to this new, very intense and formative experience, he moved to Romania for a couple of years where he dedicated himself to the purchase, renovation, and resale of historic properties. Upon his return to Italy, he continued his adventure in real estate as a builder for a few years.
He manages to obtain San Marino citizenship, where he opens a company that deals with import-export with China, an activity related to his father’s profession. Dissatisfied, he ends this professional experience as well to start a new business in the technology field. Together with his father, he designs a software related to the qrcode, the chatcode, a software with infinite fields of application that can also be a real new social network, allowing people to meet without interacting directly with them by scanning the chatcode placed on their clothing and accessories. The software manages to obtain patents in America, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, and Italy. In the meantime, he deepens his passion in the world of communication by obtaining a master’s degree in Neuro-Linguistic Programming through a 2-year course at PNL Polis in Bologna. After the digital experience, at the age of 50, he founded his own film production company in San Marino, a company that bears his name. After some video clips, he helps his father to publicize his still fervent ideas in the fashion field, together with his friend Leo Barbato, an expert wedding videomaker, he decides to produce, direct, and star in a feature film without any expertise, an authentic leap into the void.
A completely improvised, artisanal film, made for fun without a script, which is distributed by Amazon Prime: ‘Synapsy’. Synapsy was a highly formative experience due to the countless mistakes made, a real school. The pandemic freezes Andrea’s new path, a forced pause that allows him to concentrate on this new creative phase of his artistic life: he finally feels he has found his way. After Synapsy, he decides to write, produce and direct a short film (‘Between Dream and Reality’) related to a real event that happened to his friend Leo Barbato during the Lockdown. This project is also translated into English and Spanish to be distributed by Apple TV in South America and the United States. Today ‘Imprinting’ is ready, a film, partly autobiographical, where Andrea fulfills his old dream: to mix music and cinema in a single, cathartic project.